Growler Care
Following these instructions on how best to take care of your growler when it is not filled with beer will ensure countless clean and refreshing refills!
- We don't recommend using detergent or soap of any kind to clean your growler as they can leave unwanted smells and residues. If you must use soap or detergent, please ensure it is scent-free and does not contain chemicals that leave a film.
- Caps are much more difficult to keep clean and sanitary than bottles, so please recycle them after you finish your beer.
- Once your growler is empty, rinse it with very hot water.
- Pour hot water out and repeat two more times.
- On the third pour, let the hot water sit inside for 10 minutes.
- Pour out the water and stand the growler upside down to air dry.
- Store your dry growler in a safe spot and, as noted above, do not put the cap back on the growler at any point after cleaning.