ほれぼれ (Horebore)
5% off6pk¥694 ea
7% off12pk¥679 ea
10% off24pk¥657 ea
A complex and rich chocolate porter with sharpness and sweet aroma contributed by dark and sour cherries
This was the inspiration for our newest beer, a tart cherry chocolate porter. The porter's base is made up of a blend of golden promise, chocolate malt, and wheat malt, with just a splash of Special B malt. This blend gives the beer a rich and semi-sweet body with complex layers of dark chocolate, caramel, and raisin flavors. We fermented this beer with our Belgian house yeast at colder temperature to slightly subdue the Belgian character, allowing for a clean fermentation with subtle fruity esters. Lastly, a blend of dark sweet cherry, and sour red cherry puree was added, giving the beer a complex but delicate fruit character, adding flavors akin to a blend of currants, blackberries, raspberries, and dark plums. The slight sourness helps bring out the fruit character, while cutting through some of the malt sweetness, making the beer surprisingly drinkable for its rich and complex flavors. So if you decided to share this this others, or save it all to yourself, this is a great beer to be paired with sweets or valentine's chocolates, as well as rich dishes, and I look forward to drinking this treat myself!