
There’s something exciting, a little bit daunting, and also wondrous about the start of a new year. New challenges no doubt ahead, some that have been watched from the previous year or before, some on the horizon, and some in the unknown beyond.

While we don’t change from the 31st of December of one year into the 1st of January in the next, the symbolism is significant, and it’s no wonder, perhaps, that so many people create new goals for themselves to align with the changing of the calendar year. Companies are no different, and so it’s only natural that we too set ourselves new challenges and goals.

It feels fitting, therefore, that one of the two fixed new series for 2024 is set all around venturing out into the unknown.

This is particularly significant for us looking towards the year ahead at KBC, as 2024 is set up to be one of our most challenging and significant ones. Our friend, head brewer, and co-founder, Chris, has now left, and we are awaiting our new incoming head brewer.

Yes, this year we will be setting out into the unknown. We have some plans in place, but also realise that there is much that must be in part dictated by our future dynamic. And that isn’t limited to head brewers, either, as the people in our organisation all contribute to what makes KBC what it is.

We are fortunate to have plenty of drive and creativity to call upon. Plenty of people who are passionate to learn, to develop themselves, and challenge themselves in new ways. We rarely share much about individual ideas and contributions, but the key to so many beers that we’ve been proud of come down to a few innovative tweaks, some subtle and some more obvious. We wanted the first of this year’s limited series so be all about giving individuals the opportunity to try something new. This could be new ingredients, attempting some of the latest techniques going on in the ever changing world of craft beer, or trying a new style never before attempted by KBC (or even in Japan!?).

With Exploration being one of our core values, it seemed a natural name for such a series, and at a time when going back to what we value, whilst simultaneously embracing change, is all the more crucial.

This series will be once a month, running for 6 months, with each beer being an idea driven by one of our 6 brew team members, and based around something they’ve been wanting to create.

To us, one of the most appealing things about craft beer has always been the lust to learn, to try new things, to share ideas, and talk about them. We therefore felt the best place to enjoy these beers would be at a craft beer bar, or a restaurant passionate about craft beer, where the knowledgeable staff can tell you a bit about the beer, or the beer fans drinking it can talk about it. As a result, we decided to make this our keg-only series for the year, replacing last year’s Tsumugi series, that focused on beer and food pairing.

So what happens after these 6 months and 6 releases? Well, let’s leave that as another unknown to look forward to!

Our first Exploration Series release comes out in early Feb, and information on that will of course be getting shared soon. Please also keep your eyes peeled for our other new series, which will replace last year’s 6 Innovator’s series.